SCORBITZ is the ONLY automated solution to bring scores directly from your local stadium, gymnasium or ball field scoreboard, to your smartphone in real-time.
● Get real-time scores: View a LIVE scoreboard feed on your phone with updates every second
● Customize the Teams you Follow: SCORBITZ app allows you to create your own personal password protected profile so you can SEARCH and FOLLOW your favorite teams. Follow any team or school on the SCORBITZ system.
● Alerts: Get PUSH NOTIFICATIONS when your games are about to start. Receive alerts with final scores when your games are over.
● Game specific information on your local teams: Check upcoming GAME SCHEDULES, See team names and mascots of opposing schools.
● Free: It’s free to join the SCORBITZ NATION! If your school isn’t part of the SCORBITZ NATION yet tell them to go to and GET ON BOARD!
● Share: Share exciting game specific pre-game, game-time and post game information through facebook